Central Bank ....................
Polygon ...........................
Sena 09
20200 terrasa
Group .................................
Customer Service
We have received through the Complaints Service of the Bank of Spain, a claim in which nani fi this disagreement with the limitation clause stated interest rate on the mortgage loan ownership.
As you said consumer ombudsmen in the letter dated 2012, "the complaint ignores the integrity of the contractual agreements and joint economic impact models themselves to long-term of the contract, and is limited to seek the annulment of a clause on the applicable interest rates, which would undermine the contractual balance, and therefore considers that his request can not be honored. "
Nevertheless, once again analyzed all available documentation and making a favorable interpretation. their interests, it was considered appropriate to handle your request so our. entity agrees to eliminate the limitation clause interest rate and recalculate the fees that have been affected by it.
With e fi ando: the present paper is to take this compliance. opportunity to saludarlon compliments.
Street address
General manager
Fast Food Restaurant
Madrid 651
Miss .....................
AI check the last order we did, corresponding
to June 15 of this, we found 10 sheets of
beverages which enconfraban empty.
For Io fanfoujunfo to the present, we are returning the
products so that you can restore them to soon Ia
Waiting to hear from usfedes pronfo Yours
N.I.D number
address in
That during the 2011-2012 academic year I am working as a teacher of Secondary Education specializing in ............................... ................... center ............................. .................... with NRP ............................ .............................
And, having received my good time! by the Head of Studies of my
center, I estimate that the total computation time exceeds the limits set by current regulations (Order June 29, 1994).
The Order indicates, exceptionally and subject to the requirements
Department required. the possibility of increasing the workload of schedule
Professor up to three periods (18 to 21 potential binding). But considering that, in the event that this increase occurs, the schedule shall be compensated at the rate of two hours completed by each of these periods exceeding 18 schooldays, as reflected in Article 77 of that order. In the case of my weekly schedule, I note that this requirement has not been met and no compensation has applied this school hours (CHL) so connected.
Dear Mr. Rosón
Further to my letter dated November 17, 2009 in response to the claim made by you. Would declare the following.
Firstly dissatisfaction with the treatment received by employees of the company in charge of collection efforts of this company is evident.
Let us tell our sincere apologies if at any time, and as a result of the actions of this entity and employees thereof, Vd. Could be upset because these are not the effects of the usual treatment of this Company for their customers, we have provided fi rmándole its letter to the responsible for that area, to learn about the incident and take action to improve service quality.
Additionally, please note that we proceeded to remove the phone number in dispute in the future to avoid further incidents.
With regard to the request for re finance the slope with our Bank debt, we fi rmarle such re-financing was carried to term last March 2009, signing the Personal Loan with reference number 500169445201 12, payable in 72 monthly , this being the origin Loan debt claimed today.
By the above and your request was attended to facilitate the collection of the debt incurred and accepted by both parties, by which we mean they have been treated all his claims.
It is a maxim in our company, quality and professional service to our customers, and we appreciate your cooperation by sending your complaint in writing and we expect this to have answered in writing in a timely manner upon request,
We are available on phone Customer 902 21 21 O1, carefully.
cartas anteriores |
Aquí pondría sus datos o datos de la empresa
Correo electrónico.
Lugar y fecha que se envía la carta
va dirigido el
Nombre persona/empresa/departamente/servicio etc. a la que va quien
Apreciado Sr. ............................................:
Las contribuciones hechas por los miembros del equipo técnicos de redes informáticas
de su empresa serán de un gran valor para La mejora de los procesos informáticos en
nuestra empresa.
Por favor, Le dan nuestros elogios por la magnifica labor realizada.
Atent [...+]
Talca, 9 de marzo 2020
Estimado Sr. Embajador,
En nombre de mi Rector (s) Prof. Luis Huerta y yo; es mi deseo transmitir nuestra más profunda gratitud por su gran generosidad ,por el poyo económico brindado y por la simpatía por la situación difícil vivida por la gente de nuestra región debido al reciente terremoto. Agradecemos a la Embajada de la India ,en nombre de los estudiantes y el personal de nuestra institución que han sido difíciles. afectados por esta fenómeno inesperado.
Los artículos y el dinero recibido recibidos ,se di [...+]
Una de las características que sin duda nos diferencia a los seres humanos como personas que somos,siendo uno de nuestros puntos fuertes,es la facilidad y la virtud que tenemos de ser y de estar agradecidos.Esta actitud ,es sin duda una de las m´ñas bellas que podemos tomar ante las situaciones y momentos difíciles que nos pone la vida,no sólo ante el agradecimiento a un ser por su apoyo brindado o por algún favor realizado,si no por estar eternamente agradecidos como Dios,con todo lo que nos rodea,conla vida en sí,con la naturaleza,etc.
Cuando tomamos la costumbre en nuestra vida de ser siem [...+]
Una de las mejores formas que tenemos de mostrarnos ante cualquier circunstancia de la vida,es la de estar siempre agradecidos por algo,ya que este tipo de persoas siempre se valorará más a la hora de ser tomada en cuenta,siempre mostrará interés por recibir más,y generalmente eso es algo muy valorado por los seres humanos.
Cuando en la vida de uno mismo,se tiene la costumbre de ser una persona muy agradecida,siempre contaremos con más espectativas a la hora de seguir hacia delante de crecer como personas o de avanzar en lo referente al trabajo,ya que la gente y las empresas te tendrán en [...+]